Great Career Services Blogs Article by One Day One Job

So, in my research I came across a great article from One Day One Job’s blog that outlined the Top 10 Career Services blogs on the web and more importantly what makes them so good.

I found this article fascinating because the writer not only detailed the strengths and challenges of each individual blog, they also outlined why ALL University Career Centers should be using a blog. The article speaks about how you can connect to your student base (pictures of counselors to lessen anonymity, contests, announcements, and students posts) and also the ease and cost effectiveness (read:free) of setting up and maintaining a blog.

If you are a career services professional and you want to start your own blog (personal or for your school) you should really check this out. I read the article and was blogging in about 10 minutes.

One Day One Job (also creators of One Day One Internship) is a site that profiles a new entry level job or internship every day so you don’t have to search the web yourself. These guys are great!

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